New mattress

We have the center line double bed in our master stateroom (some 42's have a two bed configuration) and it was well past time to replace the mattress. The issue I found is that the doors and windows are not large enough to fit a new mattress even if it could be folded in half!

Our solution was to buy a new style memory foam mattress that comes shipped in a condensed package. We selected a medium firm mattress from Tulo:

The box is about 70 pounds and is 19 inches wide. Our aft doorway is 18.5, so I planned to "persuade" it though with some manual pressure.

I used the boom to lift the box off of the dock and onto the boat. As it turns out, the mattress as shrink wrapped is less than 19 inches, so it fit perfectly thru the aft door:

Once again, i used the boom to gently lift and lower the mattress through the doorway. Getting the old mattress out (I believe this was the original GB mattress based on the condition) required me to cut it into 4 pieces using an electric knife:

Now we have a wonderful new mattress that even our dog enjoys:
